How to become a Reading Ninja: Mindfulness, Speed, and Habit Mastery!

Today we often equate speed with success, and it is easy to feel pressured to read more and read faster. But what if we reconsidered this approach to reading? In this article, I have penned down some of my notes on how I think you can get into the habit of reading and develop the concentration needed to read using some of my time tested standard practices.

December 25, 2023  • 

How to become a reading Ninja!

Today we often equate speed with success, and it is easy to feel pressured to read more and read faster. But what if we reconsidered this approach to reading? Your reading journey is yours alone, and that's what makes it so special. Now, if you are a new to the reading club chances are that you may be struggling to develop a consistent reading habit. Ask yourself, do you find yourself easily distracted, unable to focus on the words in front of you? Or perhaps, you're looking to gradually increase your reading speed without losing comprehension? If so, I am here to help you out! Let us begin.

The first step can be intimidating for some and even way too easy for some others. If you have never committed to reading before, sometimes reading for just 10 minutes a day will make all the difference for you. For the others, they may try to finish the 200-page book in one sitting; which is an overkill, in my opinion. That's why, I recommend to begin with small but achievable and sustainable goals. Everyone's pace would be different at the beginning, but it is not a race it's a matter of what is sustainable in your lifestyles and accomodates perfectly alongside your other priorities. I cannot stress this enough, don't worry about anyone else's pace and time they dedicate to reading. The beauty of reading lies in its flexibility. You can adjust your reading habits to fit your lifestyle and preferences. As it becomes a habit, gradually increase your reading time. It's like training a muscle – start light and gradually increase the weight.

Create a Reading Ritual: Designate a specific time and place for reading. Whether it's a cozy corner with a comfy chair or a quiet café, having a dedicated reading spot can signal your brain to engage in a meditative mode and focus on reading. In my personal experience, I have found reading at my clean personal desk most engaging. At my hour of reading, very much like meditation, I prefer to engage with the natural sounds of my surroundings with absolutely no distractions, which means, my phone is put away and there's no music or show playing in the background. At this hour, usually my Sloth plush toy also joins me at my desk.

Keep Books Within Reach: The saying 'out of sight, out of mind' holds true for reading. Keep a book or e-reader within arm's reach – be it on your bedside table, in your bag, or on a living room shelf. This constant visual reminder can prompt you to read more often. But at the same time, remember to keep your reading place clear and distraction free. Having too many books within reach is also a distraction.

Eliminate Distractions: In our digitally driven world, distractions are a constant. Try to silence your phone, log off social media, and find a quiet environment. Sometimes, simply being aware of these distractions can help in minimizing them.

Engage Fully: As you read, try to immerse yourself completely in the book. Visualize the scenes, empathize with the characters, and engage with the ideas. This active engagement can not only enhance your enjoyment but also improve your focus. It might appear that it is slowing down your reading pace. But that is okay. Slow reading doesn't mean inefficient reading. It means mindful reading. It's about giving yourself permission to pause and ponder, to reread a sentence because it struck a chord, or to linger on a passage that moved you. This is even more important when you are reading non-fiction.

Reflect and Jot Down: Take brief pauses to reflect on what you've read. Jotting down notes in the margin or in a notebook, of your thoughts can deepen your understanding and keep you engaged with the material. And as an added benefit, this little tweak also helps you remember what you have read for a long time, which is a common problem with us readers. Ofcourse, we don't remember everything we have read, but the instances where we paused to think, remains crystal clear, always.

Increasing Reading Speed

Let me leave you with some quick tips on how to persist and gradually increase your reading speed.
  1. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, reading faster requires practice. Dedicate a small portion of your reading time to practicing speed reading techniques.
  2. Focus on Blocks of Words: Instead of reading word by word, try to read in chunks or blocks of words. This reduces the time your eyes spend moving from word to word and increases reading speed.
  3. Use a Pointer: This one is important and I use it almost always. Using a finger or a pen as a pointer can help guide your eyes and prevent them from wandering back to previous words – a habit known as regression.
  4. Don't Subvocalize: Try to minimize subvocalization – the habit of silently pronouncing each word in your head as you read. This can be a significant speed bump in increasing reading pace.
  5. Read Varied Materials: Challenge yourself with different types of reading materials – novels, technical articles, poetry. Each requires different reading approaches and can help improve both speed and comprehension.

Developing a reading habit, becoming more mindful when reading, and gradually increasing your reading pace are achievable goals. Remember, it's a journey, so don't forget to enjoy it while you read often, more widely, and challenging material. Happy reading, future Reading Ninja!

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